Danno del conoscere la propria età.

The harm of knowing one's own age.

The harm of knowing one's own age.
Friendship between two young people is impossible today.
Isolated satirical thoughts.
106,1 307,1 334,1 352,2 364,2 1075,2 1085,1 1362,2 1537,1 1583,2 1607,1 1926,2 2396,2 2481,1 2611,1 2653,3 3000,1 3891,1 3990,2 4023,1 4044,8 4062,1 4068,9 4075,3  [4075,2] 4090,2 4070,1 4095,2.3 4102,3
Isolated satirical thoughts.
4104,2 23,4 38,1 43,2 45,1 51,1 69,5
Isolated philosophical thoughts.
112,3 183,2 276,1 280,3 319,1 375,2 479,1 527,1 646,1 676,2 703,2 829,1 975,1  [975,2] 1011,1 1044,2 1175,1 1328,1 1521,2 1715,1 1970,2 2607,1 2686,1 2803,1 3029,1 3040,1 3432,1 3975,3 51,4 58,2 62,3 73,2
Isolated philosophical thoughts.
97,1 99,2
Why we feel enjoyment when reading about acts of greatness.
126,1  [126,2] 210,1 238,2 271,2 368,1 949,1 1329,2 1364,2 1507,1 1660,1 2157,1 2702,1 4096,2 4058,1 67,4 97,2 99,1
Conformity of current European customs.
147,1 148,1 151,1 1831,2 2405,1
Youth, maturity and old age of the day.
151,3 193,1 80,1
Parodies or corrections or applications of ancient maxims.
162,1 205,1 231,1 249,1 303,1-304,1 2451,1 2602,1 2680,1 3761,1 593,2
Quips and witticisms.
185,2 212,1 273,1 309,3 474,1 663,1.2 2588,1 4068,8 1,3 6,1 55,3 66,3 67,1 71,1
What determines how we conceive the notion of people's goodness or wickedness.
194,3 1727,2
Learned men or men of genius in the modern age have very fragile bodies, unlike the ancients.
207,2 598,4 661,2
Compassion has to fall on lovable objects.
220,3 221,2 233,1  [233,4] 722,1 4118,2
Literary glory.
227,1 263,2 271,1 273,3 306,1  [306,2] 346,1  [345,1] 347,1 455,1 593,2 643,3 826,1 1531,1 1708,1 1708,2 1788,1 1883,1 1927,1 2233,1 2453,1 2544,1  [2544,2] 2676,1  [2676,2] 2682,2 3382,2 3673,1 4108,4 46,1 83,2
Worldly experience accustoms great men to esteem rather than to despise.
255,2 3545,1
Death is not painful to the body.
281,2 660,1 2182,1 2566,1
Those who produce children must be sure that they are generating wicked people.
No one wants to earn someone's hatred by pleasing another, and the reason why.
55 293,1 1833,1
Reasons why old people love life.
294,1 2643,1 2987,3 3029,1.2
Eloquence and naturalness in speaking about oneself.
29  [29,6] 58,5 312,2 60,3
Ancient greatness, modern pettiness: durability of ancient works, decadence of the modern.
340,1 3435,1
Man is more inclined to fear than to hope.
458,1 1303,2 3433,1 66,2
Common egoism is the cause and necessity of individual egoism.
463,2 607,1 669,1 930,1 1100,1 1913,1 2436,1 2653,2
Machiavellic precept.
Uselessness of becoming independent of fortune in order to become happy.
536,3 1651,1 2800,1
Today joy hardly ever overwhelms and fulfills the soul.
716,1 2434,2
814,1 1978,1 2241,1 2402,3 2492,1 2549,2  [2549,1] 57,5
The superior worth of the pleasurable over the useful.
987,1 1507,1 2157,1
The practical difference between ancient and modern philosophers as deriving from the nature of their philosophies.
Variety and monotony.
1028,1 1507,2 1655,1 51,3  [51,2] 368,1
Difference between the love of fatherland among the ancients and the moderns as deduced from the punishment of voluntary exile.
There is no limit to human unhappiness.
Men who are extraordinary without being great, although presumed to be such.
1623,4 3447,1 3446,2
Necessity of hiding one's defects and misfortunes; impossibility of finding compassion for them.
1673,1 2401,3 2485,1
Necessity of using arrogance and deception.
1721,1 1787,3
Man gets used to everything, except to inaction and boredom.
The same techniques are used for manipulating women, princes, academics; in every profession status must be gained at another's expense.
2155,4 2258,1
Fear's great egoism.
2206,1 2387,1 2497,2 2630,1 2669,1 2673,1 3641,1
Error in trying to make everyone happy, whereas the opposite should be sought.
Need to boast and talk about oneself.
Principle of honor, ancient and modern.
Retreat of the 10,000, compared to the conquests of Mexico and Peru.
That condition which cannot be improved, even when it is a most fortunate one, is most unhappy. A saying by Xenophon.
Role of nature vs. art in being successful at anything.
Praised use of chorus in drama.
Length of Homer's poems; fertility of his imagination.
The ancients, truly living, did not fear death, while we, not really living, fear it.
3029,2 3029,1
Reasons for being either esteemed or unappreciated in the world; three kinds of people in this repsect.
Man is appreciated to the extent that he knows how to laugh.
Foolishness of the modern use of mythology.
How heroism is pretended even by the most impudent egoists, and by children who naturally belong to this category.
3480,1 643,2
Appearance is not only more necessary than substance but is the only necessary one.
Three states of old age in three different epochs of humankind.
Singular men of ancient and of modern times; the small degree of extraordinariness that is enough to be considered singular today.
What should be the usefulness of Comedy.
Pain of afflictions alleviated by the thought of necessity. Example of a boy.
He did not like to speak with those he esteemed in the presence of others.
Sometimes even crime is a heroic act, even if it is not one of those strong and courageous crimes.